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英语作文 我最喜爱的体育运动――足球,要求说明文。

so i like football。第三,也是最重要的,是因为当一名足球运动员是我的梦想。如果要成为职业球员,我需要刻苦努力的训练来提升自己的水平。我相信,终有一天我的梦想回成真的。以上就是我喜欢足球的原因。所以我最喜欢的。

1、为什么喜欢足球用英语回答! 为什么喜欢足球,用英语回答!3,4句,要有

I love playing football because it is an exciting sport。Playing football can make me feel relax。And I will get a fit body with it。Also I can make lots of friends by playing football。翻译:我喜欢踢足球因。


网友分享:football!the most powerful game in the world!millions of people attrracted by the beauty of this magic ball!we are willingly to pay our whole life spent on this game which can draving us mad!请。


介绍足球的英语短文篇一 The game of football is any of several similar team sports,of similar origins which involve advancing a ball into a goal area in an attempt to score。Many of these involve kicking a 。

精准足球推荐理由英语版 第1张


足球运动能够锻炼人的体力和耐力,增强个人的团队意识,增强个人自信心。1, football can exercise people‘s physical strength and endurance, enhance team awareness, enhance personal confidence。足球运动是一种国际化。

精准足球推荐理由英语版 第2张


网友分享:Association football, more commonly known as football or soccer, is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players, and is widely considered to be the most popular sport in the world。[1][2][3][。


网友分享:disqualification 取消比赛资格 sportsmanship 运动员的道德,风格 opening ceremony 开幕式 semi-final 半决赛 first round 第一轮 round-robin 循环赛 doping test 药检 draw,sostition 抽签 elimination match ,kick-out 淘汰。

精准足球推荐理由英语版 第3张


网友分享:比赛目的是尽量将足球射入对方的球门内,每射入一球就可以得到一分,当比赛完毕后,得分最多的一队则胜出。Football, “the world’s first movement,” the reputation of the world's most influential sports single 。


and then after the arabs to Europe, developed into a modern football。 Many countries will football as a “sport”。足球是足球运动或足球比赛的简称。当然它也指足球比赛中的用球。足球运动是一项古老的体育活动,源远流。


another,it is a good way to bulid up our body,finally,when we play football,it always make us happy,besides,when we watch football game,few people can not be absorbed in it I love this game 请。

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