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羽毛球比赛英语大写作文怎么写,英语作文 羽毛球

更新时间:2024-07-01 07:53:50人气:14537


points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet so that it passes over the net and lands in their opponents' half of the court.A rally ends once the shuttlecock has 。


网友分享:从此,羽毛球运动便逐渐开展起来,“伯明顿”即成了羽毛球的名字,英文的写法是“Badminton”。那时的活动场地是葫芦形,两头宽中间窄,窄处挂网,直至1901年才改作长方形。 1875年,世界上第一部羽毛球比赛规则出现于印度的普那。三年后,英。

羽毛球比赛英语大写作文怎么写,英语作文 羽毛球 第1张


英语作文mysports写羽毛球  我来答 分享 新浪微博 QQ空间1个回答 #热议# 你见过哪些90后家长教育孩子的“神操作”?百度网友ebbffa1 2016-01-03 · TA获得超过6万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:2.2万 采纳率:95% 。


网友分享:例文如下:The white bird glided a beautiful arc over the blue sky,hit it hard with my racket, it turned back like a bullet aiming a target. "27th " I shouted to my sister.We have been enjoy playing 。

4、求一篇英语作文 题目my favorite sport,羽毛球。谢谢!!

写作思路:从文章的写作目的、中心主旨入手,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文:There are many festivals in a year, I love Childrens day, because on that day, I can have many candies from school.一年。


网友分享:it can let us keep healthy; it can let us be feeling exciting, it can let us be happier; it can let us be flexible; it can let us increase stamina, attention and action ability; it can cultivate vol。


Of all the sports ,i like badminton best. I like to watch the TV show about the badminton and I also like to play it. I enjoy the excitement the game brings to my life. Above all, playing badminton 。


I'm a sportsman, especially badminton. playing badminton is actually very interesting. The other person can be your enemy. you try your best to hit him. he can also be your friend. you cooperate 。

羽毛球比赛英语大写作文怎么写,英语作文 羽毛球 第2张



羽毛球比赛英语大写作文怎么写,英语作文 羽毛球 第3张



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2009年乒乓球全运会,2009年乒乓球全运会单打季军 羽毛球消极比赛口号押韵,羽毛球的押韵