

更新时间:2024-06-30 22:06:37人气:14324


23. grudge match 旗鼓相当的比赛 。


网友分享:badminton became a full competition sport at the Olympic Games in 1992.现代羽毛球运动在19世纪中叶首次出现,它是由一种名为“毽子板球”(battledore and shuttlecock)的运动发展演化而来的。“毽子板球”的起源可以追溯。


网友分享:I like sport is badminton, because they can exercise, can find the fun, I like Li Zongwei, like his badminton on the persistent, so I can experience the fun of sports 。

羽毛球比赛介绍英语,介绍羽毛球这项运动英文 第1张




网友分享:谢谢采纳。 The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named 。


自1992年起,羽毛球成为奥运会的正式比赛项目。Badminton is a across the net, using a long-handled racket hitting square mesh diameter side bar with a circle-shaped cork hemisphere feathers indoor sports. Based 。

6、羽毛球英文简介? 最好一两句,越简单越好.

badminton became a full competition sport at the Olympic Games in 1992.现代羽毛球运动在19世纪中叶首次出现,它是由一种名为“毽子板球”(battledore and shuttlecock)的运动发展演化而来的.“毽子板球”的起源可以追溯到。


网友分享:羽毛球的发展 The development of badminton In 1877, the first badminton competition rules published in the United Kingdom.In 1893, the British set up the world's first badminton association. In 1899, the 。

羽毛球比赛介绍英语,介绍羽毛球这项运动英文 第2张

8、求一篇英文的羽毛球的介绍,50词左右。 在线等,急!

网友分享:The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named Badminton.The 。

羽毛球比赛介绍英语,介绍羽毛球这项运动英文 第3张


网友分享:用google 翻译 追问: 那个太垃圾 回答: 你把中文发过来 我给你翻译 。

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