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为学校组建篮球队的建议信 英语作文 拜托

Online chatting as a new communicative way has become more and more popular, especially with youngsters。 However, like everything else, 。

1、英语作文 tom是初二三班的学生,他想加入学校篮球队,请写一份简介 内容

网友分享::It is Saturday moring。Our school basketball team are training hard。The start of training after school。And they tyaining harder than usual。Because theother team beat in the final match。This year they want 。

组建篮球队英语作文,邀请人加入校篮球队英语作文 第1张


让朋友参加篮球社团的英语作文语作文如下:Welcome to join consortium Senior Year is the very important to enter college。For this year everyone study hard for entering a good college or university。In boring study 。

组建篮球队英语作文,邀请人加入校篮球队英语作文 第2张


网友分享:It is Saturday moring。Our school basketball team are training hard。The start of training after school。And they tyaining harder than usual。Because theother team beat in the final match。This year they want to 。

组建篮球队英语作文,邀请人加入校篮球队英语作文 第3张

4、英语作文 tom是初二三班的学生,他想加入学校篮球队,请写一份简介 内容

网友分享:Tom is the second grade three class students, he wanted to join the school basketball team, elementary school began to learn basketball, usually practice basketball time is 3 hours a day, he is very fond of。


练习篮球,译为practice basketball 每天,译为every day,是时间状语,放在本句末尾 并(且),译为and,并列连词,连接后面的句子 组建,译为set up,也可以译为make (一支)篮球队,译为a basketball team 。


It is Saturday moring。Our school basketball team are training hard。The start of training after school。And they tyaining harder than usual。Because theother team beat in the final match。This year they want to 。



8、英语作文 校篮球队要招收队员,请你根据下列提示写一份招聘启事。

网友分享:basketball to actively apply, win honors for schools。 And play basketball can make you more healthy。 if you want apply, please contact Zhang Hui, his phone number is 2810015。写了不少 纯原创手工 加分吧 。



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