

更新时间:2024-07-06 00:00:56人气:15340


踢足球英语作文 篇1 On Saturday I played football with some boys on the playground。When I ran to control the ball I bumped into another boy。 We both fell to the ground。 His feet hit my right ankle。 。


One day, the weather was fine。 Siu-ming and a group of small partners into a green lawn for soccer。 They are divided into two teams, one team is red team, a team of the yellow team。 e in", Xiao。


篇一、踢足球 Afrer a whole day's hard studing, I fell very tierd and want to go out to play football for fan。 But my teachers always say that it takes too much time and can make us away from stu。

紧张踢足球的作文英语,有关踢足球的英语作文 第1张


His feet hit my right ankle。 There was something hard on his shoes and it made my ankle bleeding。 So I put a Band—Aid here after returning home。星期六,我跟一些男孩在操场踢足球。当我跑去控球时,我。

紧张踢足球的作文英语,有关踢足球的英语作文 第2张


踢足球的英语作文如下:Yesterday my companions and I held a football game in the playground。 We were divided into two groups, with eleven players on each side。 When the game started, both of us played 。


very much。我非常喜欢踢足球。Football is my favourite sport。足球是我最喜欢的运动。It can make me happy and have a good time。它使我开心并且玩得很愉快。When I come home from school,I play football。当我放学。


How about you?中文翻译:我爱足球 我非常喜欢运动。我最喜欢的运动是足球,因为我认为它非常刺激。我总是和我的同学在早上踢足球,因为他们能使我有一个健美的身体。我有三个足球,他们是我最喜欢的东西。我也经常在。

紧张踢足球的作文英语,有关踢足球的英语作文 第3张



8、求学霸写一篇英语作文,是有关于踢足球爱好的作业 要求:要用一个定语

网友分享:goto play football on the yard。And I also like to watch football games。My favourite football star is Kaka。Playing football is a teamwork,so I never paly it myself。when chance appear,I will pass the ball。


网友分享:1。Conflicts with others are common in everyday life。 During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball。 Then they started shouting and 。

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