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羽毛球英文简介? 最好一两句,越简单越好.

Contemporary badminton first appeared in the mid-19th century,it evolved from the game battledore and shuttlecock,which can be traced back to ancient Greece,China,Japan and India.Especially popular in Asia and Eu。


网友分享:Contemporary badminton first appeared in the mid-19th century, it evolved from the game battledore and shuttlecock, which can be traced back to ancient Greece, China, Japan and India. Especially popular in Asia。

羽毛球玩法英语介绍简短版,羽毛球运动英语介绍 第1张


网友分享:I like sport is badminton, because they can exercise, can find the fun, I like Li Zongwei, like his badminton on the persistent, so I can experience the fun of sports 。


网友分享:shuttlecock请不要折羽毛 您看这样的可否 。


网友分享:奥运项目介绍:羽毛球 About Badminton (Olympic sport since 1992)羽毛球概述(1992年成为奥运会正式比赛项目)Made-for-television radar guns instantly flash the speed of serves, volleys and pitches to the sporting 。


羽毛球相关英文词汇:1. mixed-double 混合双打 2. men's singles 男单 3. men'sdoubles 男双 4. women's singles 女单 5. women'sdoubles 女双 6. order of service 发球次序 7. service 。

羽毛球玩法英语介绍简短版,羽毛球运动英语介绍 第2张


网友分享:羽毛球的发展 The development of badminton In 1877, the first badminton competition rules published in the United Kingdom.In 1893, the British set up the world's first badminton association. In 1899, the 。

羽毛球玩法英语介绍简短版,羽毛球运动英语介绍 第3张


网友分享:you don't shout请不要大喊大叫 please don't offending gestures at your opponent 请不要做冒犯对方的手势 please don't tamper with the feathers of the shuttlecock请不要折羽毛 您看这样的可否 。


网友分享:你好。谢谢采纳。 The Badminton that we know of today was begun in England. In 1873, the Englishman Beaufort from a town called Badminton discovered the game by chance; which explained why the game was named。


网友分享:overhead stroke 打头顶球(位于头顶的击球)round-the-head stroke 绕头顶击球 shoulder-high drive 与肩齐高的平抽球 side-arm stroke 侧手球(回击位于身体侧面的球)underhand stroke 低手击球 strike 击(球)intercept 截击。

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