

更新时间:2024-06-19 21:37:35人气:12983


篮球比赛英语作文一:The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium.By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled. The 。


篮球比赛英语作文一 Basketball---My Favorite I’m a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because it’s interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such。


篮球比赛英文作文 篇1 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o’clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium. By seven-thirty the seats were almost filled. The school 。


篮球比赛的英语作文篇一 Regarding individuals, some people are born with the desire to succeed, no matter what the situation or task that they are facing. These people may evolve into the classic "Type A" p。

关于篮球的比赛作文英语,一个篮球比赛英语作文 第1张


篮球比赛 There was a basketball game in our school this afternoon. It was between Class 3 and Class 6 of Grade 5. They are the best teams in our school.When the game started, both of them played 。


打篮球英语作文1 I like to play basketball very much, so when I wentto middle school, I joined the basketball team.我很喜欢打篮球,因此当我上初中的时候,我加入了篮球队。Last week, our team had a 。


one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".。

关于篮球的比赛作文英语,一个篮球比赛英语作文 第2张



关于篮球的比赛作文英语,一个篮球比赛英语作文 第3张




网友分享:one to another. It was really a wonderful game. At last Class 6 won the first prize and Class 3 congratulated them warmly. They really embodied the sports spirit of "friendship first, competition second".。

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