

更新时间:2024-07-04 05:42:36人气:16238


I'd like to join in our school basketball team.。


网友分享:I am a basketball fan.I want to join the school team.选我的答案,我急着升级 。

参加学校篮球队英文,参加学校篮球队英语 第1张


Finally he decided to participate in the selection of the school basketball team.最终他决定参加学校篮球队的选拔 。


team of ***school 。

4、加入校篮球队能交到更多的朋友 用英语怎么说

你可以这么说I can make more friends after I join the school basketball team。

5、在学校篮球队英语翻译 2种 在足球俱乐部翻译 2种 他参加俱乐部吗 翻译

在学校篮球队 in the school basketball team 在足球俱乐部 in the football club in the club of football 他参加俱乐部 Does he join in the club? Does he take part in the club?。

参加学校篮球队英文,参加学校篮球队英语 第2张


He joined the basketball team.。

参加学校篮球队英文,参加学校篮球队英语 第3张


My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. 。

8、在学校篮球队英语翻译 2种 在足球俱乐部翻译 2种 他参加俱乐部吗 翻译

在学校篮球队 in the school basketball club a member of school basketball club 在足球俱乐部 in the school football club a member of school football club 他参加俱乐部吗?Does he join in the club?。

9、初二英语作文 我想加入学校篮球队 写一份简历 向学校篮球队教练mr.green

On Sunday morning, my parents took me to the zoo. We did not go there for a long time. Last week, my classmates told me that the zoo added some funny entertainment facilities. I was very curious. So,。

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篮球队队伍简介推文,篮球队文章 黔东南体育教师招聘考试历年真题,2021年黔东南教师招聘