

更新时间:2024-07-08 07:37:17人气:15366


打篮球英语作文1 I like to play basketball very much, so when I wentto middle school, I joined the basketball team.我很喜欢打篮球,因此当我上初中的时候,我加入了篮球队。Last week, our team had a matc。


英语打篮球日记100字篇一 I was very sleepy in the morning, so i didn't go running as usual. I had something for breakfast. My new day has begun. The results would come out today. My classmates all fe。

2、一篇关于篮球的英语作文 80词左右

Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.Basketball is a team sport.The idea of the game is to shoot a ball through a basket.Usually,two teams of five players play on a c。

在路上玩篮球英语作文,篮球和我英语作文 第1张


I like playing basketball As we all know,doing sporys is good for our health.As for me,I like playing basketball. You know,piaying basketball is good for our heart,lungs,head and so on.众所周知,我喜欢。


网友分享:篮球基本站位姿势 队员在球场上要经常保持既稳定又机动的站位姿势。两脚前后(或左右)开立,与肩同宽,两膝弯曲,重心落在两腿之间。上体微向前倾,两臂屈肘于体侧。目视球场上的情况。 起动 篮球场上,起动是从静止状态。

在路上玩篮球英语作文,篮球和我英语作文 第2张

5、一篇关于篮球的英语作文 80词左右

Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports.Basketball is a team sport.The idea of the game is to shoot a ball through a basket.Usually,two teams of five players play on a 。


网友分享:but also offers a lot chance to make friends. there are many people playing basketball in their spare time. playing basketball can help you strongger and give you a lot fun. basketball is a teamwork sport 。

在路上玩篮球英语作文,篮球和我英语作文 第3张


too. Let’s play basketball together. OK?我最喜欢的运动是篮球,每天早上我在我们学校体育馆打篮球。我的体育老师告诉我说打篮球会让我长高而且变的强壮。因为我篮球打得好,所以现在我是我们学校篮球队的成员。我比以前。

8、英语作文MY HOBBY 关于打篮球的 60词左右

like doing sports ,especially basketball.I play basketball everyday with my classmates,and I very enjoy it.what's more,I can make more friends by playing basketball.do you want to play basketball with me?。


网友分享:短篇英语作文:篮球赛 The Basketball Game 「篮球赛」 The game was scheduled to start at start at eight o'clock on Friday night. Long before that, people began to arrive at the gymnasium. By seven-thirty 。

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篮球鞋鞋底打滑有什么办法解决,打球鞋底滑怎么办 腾讯体育体育会员,腾讯体育会员是什么意思