

更新时间:2024-06-28 09:08:40人气:14098


can you play with peopl e。 can you become people‘s good friends。Then you can become a P。E’teacher。 You can call Tom at 2655--35667



一篇招聘体育老师的英语广告,腾讯体育篮球广告 第1张


P。E。Teacher wanted for the School Sports Club Do you like sports?Are you good with children ?We need help with sports in the sports club in our school。Can you swim?Can you play volleyball or tennis?Can。


In addition, many teachers purchase items for their students and classroom out of their own wages and (in Canada) receive no tax deduction for these purchases。稍微修改一下就行了。 3。 用英语写招牌体育老师的小作文 七年。

一篇招聘体育老师的英语广告,腾讯体育篮球广告 第2张


children and have the passion for teaching career, please contact Teacher 这个广告旨在招聘体育老师。将被录取的妇女/男人必须有能力与孩子相处,并擅长,至少,一个体育计划。如果你爱孩子,热爱教学事业,请联系老师 。


PE teachers wanted Now some PE teachers are needed in Shiyan Middle School。 They should have the sense of responsibility 。 Second they should be active and creative 。Third they should be friendly and helpful 。


Recruitment: This school is in urgent need of two physical education teachers。 We need other teachers who are good at football and baseball。 Please contact me if you need。


Please contact Alex in Class 1 Grade 1 if you have any intrest in the club。We are hoping for your appearence。Students in our school have one thing in common- an interest in sports。 According to their 。

一篇招聘体育老师的英语广告,腾讯体育篮球广告 第3张

8、初一英语作文 急!

(本校想要招聘一位体育老师,要求如下)First, speak English(第一,会说英语)Second, good at communication and children。(第二,擅长于孩子们沟通)Third, love and the children make friends。(第三,喜欢和孩子们。

9、谁帮忙写一个 招聘体育老师的英语作文

related to these items is preferred。Also,as a PE teacher for junior high students,you must be good with taking care of kids。Last but not the least,passion in teaching will help with your work。

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篮球饮水机球员,什么是饮水机球员 篮球高低运球课时安排,篮球行进间运球教学重难点