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This afternoon we had a PE lesson。 Our teacher taught us to practise the long jump。 (英语作文)When the bell rang, we gathered on the playground。 After warming-up exercises, the teacher told us the way。


体育运动英语作文 篇1 As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it。” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody。 But how to keep fit? Many people believe that sp。


Friends also have an important role, because you can evade from concerns by going out with them, talking about things that are not related to your work, and sharing with them your problems and your acheivements。 体育。

难忘的体育课英语作文,关于体育课的英语作文50字 第1张

3、英语作文 一堂体育课

It’s time for PE class! All the children run out of the classroom and stand on the playground to wait for the PE class teacher。“Hello! Children,”said the PE teacher, “Today, we are going to。

难忘的体育课英语作文,关于体育课的英语作文50字 第2张


In my opinion, cultivating the healthy physique of college students should be put in the first place。中国奥林匹克运动的先驱张伯苓曾说:“教育里没有了体育,教育就不完全。”所以为什么要在大学继续开设体育课?我认。


篇一:我喜欢体育课 I Love PEI would spend the most of my PE lesson to exercise rather than study in class。 There are various activities, such as playing table tennis, playing football and so on。 。


写作翻译网权威发布精选初中英语作文-我喜欢体育课 I Love PE,更多精选初中英语作文-我喜欢体育课 I Love PE相关信息请访问英文写作翻译网。I would spend the most of my PE lesson to exercise rather than study 。

7、一节有意义的体育课 英语作文


难忘的体育课英语作文,关于体育课的英语作文50字 第3张


Yesterday,we had an exciting P。E。 classin which we enjoyed ourselves a lot。Our teacher taught us play basket ball and let us do what we like after he had showed us the basic skills of basket ball。


英语作文体育课上同学们在干什么 星期一下午天气晴朗,同学们在上体育课。大家正在参与不同的体育活动,有篮球,足球,排球,乒乓球等,也有一些同学正在休息。尽管很热,但是大家还是很愉快。英语It is a farily bright and clear Sunday afte。

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