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网球和羽毛球 对比 英语作文

Tennis is a usually in two singles player or doubles combination between sports。 Players need to hit a hollow rubber ball with the racket and make it into the field。 Badminton is a across the net, using 。


The difference between basketball and football: basketball calls for better jumping ability than football does。 Besides, basketball players may be the highest among all kinds of sport players。


【一】Sports do us good in many respects (TS)。 It goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength。 In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn t。


【篇一】关于体育运动的英语作文 During my secondary school years I often liked to go to the recreation room to play table tennis。 Some of my classmates were very good at this game and I often tried to 。


【篇二】以体育为题的英语作文 Everyone hopes to live happily in the world。 Physical exercise is indispensable to a happy life。 There is a famous saying: “Life lies on exercise。” Although you will not 。

体育对比的手法英语作文,运用对比的英语文章 第1张


【篇一】关于体育运动英语作文 Exercise is something common but significant。 Although nearly everyone knows its importance, I still want to emphasize today。锻炼是一件很普通却又很重要的`事情。虽然基本上每个人都知道。


体育运动英语作文 篇1 As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it。” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody。 But how to keep fit? Many people believe that sp。

体育对比的手法英语作文,运用对比的英语文章 第2张


关于体育运动英语作文一:体育锻炼的好处 As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it。” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody。 But。


体育运动英语作文1As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it。” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody。 But how to keep fit? Many people believe。

体育对比的手法英语作文,运用对比的英语文章 第3张


使用对比手法能够帮助文章更加生动、有说服力和易读。以下是几种使用对比手法的写作方法:1。 比较相似之处和不同之处 这种方法将要比较的事物分别列出来,讨论它们各自的相似之处和不同之处。通过强调它们之间的不同点,可以。

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某学校为了提高学生身体素质开展体育,体育生怎么提升耐力和力量 篮球鞋夏季穿着舒服吗,篮球鞋平时穿舒服吗