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体育运动 My School Sport 英语作文

第一篇:We had a sports meeting last Friday。 All of the students took an active part in it。 Our class did very well in the sports meeting。 The boys won the boys' 400 metres, and the girls won the 。


In the first place, exercise is significant to health。 It goes without saying that the importance of heath to people。 There is a Chinese saying,” Health is the source of revolution。” And the most importa。

学校体育活动英语作文,介绍你校体育课程及活动英语 第1张


体育运动英语作文 篇1 As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it。” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody。 But how to keep fit? Many people believe that sp。

3、英语作文 向大家介绍你所在学校的体育运动方面的情况,不少于80字

Sport Day can make friends, great for learning and build up healthy。Sport Day is very fun! We develop friendship with other school。We all like Sport Day。小懒虫不要依靠别人哦!学习是靠自己的。love anser Be。


关于体育运动英语作文一:体育锻炼的好处 As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it。” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody。 But。


体育运动英语作文1As the proverb goes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it。” From this, we know that health is very important to everybody。 But how to keep fit? Many people believe。

学校体育活动英语作文,介绍你校体育课程及活动英语 第2张


Sports in Our SchoolHello everyone,I am a reporter from the school newspaper,now I am reporting in front of the playground。Students in our school have had more time for sports since the activity started。Most。


【篇一】体育锻炼的小学英语作文 Physical exercise is a necessary part of college life。However, still some college students do not like to attend sports activities。They think those activities waste their time and 。

学校体育活动英语作文,介绍你校体育课程及活动英语 第3张



9、跪求 一篇学校开展体育活动的英语作文,不少于60字 题目为My school s。

首先 我把你的大意稍微补充了一点,大致如下:学校每年秋期举办运动会,十分热闹,回想起去年运动会,我通过努力获得了跳远第一名。在运动会期间, 同学们上午锻炼,下午做眼保健操,课后打篮球或踢足球,时间安排的十分有。

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